Tax Season Office Hours
February 3 – April 15, 2025
Main Office
(Bel Air)
Satellite Office
Monday & Wednesday
8:30 AM to 7:30 PM
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
8:30 AM to 5 PM
8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Tuesday & Thursday
8:30 AM to 6:30 PM
8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Online Portal
Our new document portal allows you to upload your tax forms directly to us!
Please note that documents MUST be in PDF format.
​We recommend using Adobe Scan, or other ​similar software, if using a phone or tablet.
You can download Adobe Scan for free on both Apple and Android devices.​
Once you have uploaded all of your documents, email taxinfo@davidcbryantcpa.com and we can put you in the processing queue.
Additionally, when your tax return is completed, we can send you digital signature pages and upload your tax return to your portal.​
In Office Drop Off/Pick Up
Once you have gathered all of your documents, you can drop off at our Bel Air location or our satellite location in Aberdeen.
When your tax return is completed, a staff member will call to notify you. If you feel you need to meet with someone to review it, we have 15-minute appointments available. Otherwise, you can come in at any time during office hours to pick up your return.
Mailing your documents to our Bel Air office is also a welcome way to get us information! We can mail the return and originals back to you as well.
Telephone appointments can also be made to review your completed return, if needed.
Postage and handling fees apply.
Once we receive your documents, your taxes will be processed in a timely manner. We will reach out to you via phone or email with any questions and you will receive a final phone call with the outcome. During the phone call, we can discuss how you would like to finalize the tax return.
Helpful Links
We cannot estimate the value of your donations/charity. To get a good idea of the value of the items you donated, we recommend using THIS Goodwill calculator.
Prior Tax Year Information
2022 Tax Year - Important Information
The interview sheet provided is REQUIRED.
We are asking that all documents are provided to us by March 15, 2023, or we cannot guarantee that your return will be completed by the filing deadline.
Your invoice can now be emailed to you and paid online.
2022 Tax Year - Documents
2021 Tax Year - Important Information
New Forms Needed for 2021 Tax Returns:
Advance Child Tax Credit Payments Letter 6419 (must provide if these payments were received)
3rd Economic Impact Payment Letter 6475 and/or a Plus-up Payment (must provide documentation if either of these payments were received)
If you have not received these letters, please go to https://www.irs.gov/payments/your-online-account to set up an online account to view your payments.